Town of Dobbins Heights
"The Town That's Moving Forward"
Habitat Community Revitalization Project
Habitat for Humanity, has partnered with the Town of Dobbins Heights through the Dobbins Heights Community Center to repair and rebuild the Dobbins Heights Community. Habitat for Humanity is a "non profit organization that helps people in your community and around the world build or improve a place they call home." (Habitat,2019) Amy Fraley and Mark Trudeau, the Directors of the Repair team, have teamed up with Angeline David, Council woman of Parks and Recreation, to make Dobbins Heights a safer and more beautiful Community.
If you or someone you know needs repairs done to your home or a clean up in your area, please come to the Dobbins Heights Community Center (222 Earle Franklin Drive, Hamlet NC 28345) to pick up an application for repairs. If you want more information on how to become a Volunteer for the Revitalization Project please contact Town Hall @ 910-582-6002.